Lower 48 — Day 24

48 States
2 Countries
9,712.8 Miles
270+ Gallons of Gasoline


We made it home and the last few days of the trip were grueling because of the long days we put in at the end. I got home to Pocatello, Idaho around 7:00 p.m and Bonnie was already home to meet me. Kendall still had to ride south another  hour and one half.

It felt strange rolling into Pocatello after seeing so many different communities and such variety of climates from the cool breeze on the coast of Maine to blistering heat of the South West.  This ride has helped re-balance me and given me a new appreciation for the size and true wealth of resources we have in this country.  So many people we met were just hard working Americans just trying to eek out a living for their families. We also met several foreign visitors on vacation riding motorcycles and experiencing our country like me and Kendall.  We met a couples from Sweden, Italy, France, and a bunch of woman from Korea that loved me photo bombing them at Niagara Falls.

I have so many memories still to share and I hope to have some time to write them down before they began to fade as my everyday life begins to take over again.  When I think of  of all the interesting people I met, I would say Lori and Brian law were the most interesting.  They seemed so happy after selling their home in Orange County, CA to do what they want.  Lori referred to themselves vagabonds, which I think I could do for a little while when I retire.  But I will have to learn to become more frugal if I’m to retire at at all and this trip didn’t help.

I often told people I met along the way that I’ve spent more money replacing crap I’ve lost than it cost getting ready for this trip. Below is a list of the things I remember losing.  I’m sure there was much more.

  • 1 Month supply of medication (lost on day 3)
  • 1 Pair of sunglasses
  • 1 Pair of reading glasses
  • 1 Pair of ear buds
  • 1 Do rag/head scarf
  • 3 pair of gloves (1 pair wore out)
  • 1 Levi Jacket
  • 1 Sleeping Bag
  • 1 Tent
  • 1 Pair flip flops

I’m proud of the fact that Kendall and I did this ride.  We got to know each other and become closer.  It helped me decompress and begin to realize how stressed I have been at work.  It helped to align myself to truly remember what is important and what should be ignored. Kendall said he could write a book based on all the crap we lost along the way.  He would title it “Stow Your Stuff – Metaphor for Life”

The stuff I’m going to stow from this trip is all the people I met, places I saw, and how important home is.

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